skateboard wheels by spitfire Equipment Skate 

Skateboard Wheels

Skateboard Wheels The part you will probably need to replace the most, so always have an extra quad set with you, along with your All-In-One Skate tool. Wheel Parts   Axle: The axle is a metal rod which runs through the hanger and extends from it on either side. Wheels are inserted on either end and secured with the axle nut. Wheels: usually made of polyurethane and sized between 39 and 70 millimeters in diameter; their hardness is measured by durometer, a number ranging from 0 to 100—soft wheels have…

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skateboard bearings Equipment Skate 

Skateboard Bearings

Bearings Eight bearings, two bearings for each of the four wheels. Animation of a ball bearing. Red dots show direction of rotation. The two concentric circles that the ball bearings ride on are called races. Bearings: In skateboarding bearings allow for the smooth turning of a wheel on its axle. Bearings consist of 6, 7, or 8 balls enclosed in races between two shields encased in a disc-like body. Bearings can be measured by an ABEC rating. Skateboard bearings typically come in sets of eight and are inserted into both…

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skateboard truck diagram Equipment Skate 

Skateboard Truck Parts

Skateboard Truck Parts  A skateboard truck is a very important element of the whole skateboard. Trucks: The truck is the collective name for the front and rear axle assemblies that connect the wheels to the deck and provide the turning capabilities for the board. The major components of the truck includes the base plate, axle, and the hanger. Also to sustain the weight bearing of the load on top. Axle: The axle is a metal rod which runs through the hanger and extends from it on either side. Wheels are…

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skateboard equipment parts Equipment Skater 

Skateboard Parts

A skateboard is made up of both movable and immovable parts to help you move forward or backward plus steering left and right. Plus it is the easiest way to move of any sports equipment, put one foot on the board (called a deck) and push with the other foot. Board parts Hardware: Nuts, bolts, and screws that hold the trucks, bushings, and base plate onto the board. Board: Also known as the Deck, this is the main part of a skateboard, the portion that is used to skate on.…

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skateboard helmet Equipment Skate 

Skateboard Words To Know

Skateboarding trick terminology 180: An ollie with a 180 degree board and body turn either backside or frontside. 180 heelflip: A heelflip with a 180 degree board and body turn either backside or frontside. 180 kickflip: A kickflip with a 180 degree board and body turn either backside or frontside. 360 flip or Tre flip: A 360 shove it and a kickflip. The board does one full rotation. 50-50 grind: A grind on both trucks. 5-0 grind: A rear truck grind with the front of the board elevated over the…

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Equipment Lifestyle 

Soccer Final

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, modo simul civibus ea vel, cu qui natum brute sanctus, minim disputando ad quo. Fugit intellegat nam ad, per prima velit verear ne. In sit populo similique, cum nibh dicit dolores ex. Ut vel dolor oporteat. Vel atqui aperiri honestatis an, eu vide accusamus vel. Fugit omittam philosophia sit in, an mel malis contentiones. Per delenit moderatius ut. Oratio audire ut nec, eos iisque constituto te. Amet alia summo eu ius, vero soleat assueverit ei cum. His assum gubergren democritum et, sed putant voluptua id.…

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Equipment Lifestyle 

Trick in football

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ea ocurreret constituto qui, ei usu mentitum intellegam. Vel fuisset scaevola scriptorem ex. Eu adhuc possit tractatos qui, dolores torquatos id qui. His nominati dissentiet ex, ei aeterno oporteat detraxit his. Minimum voluptatibus vim ne, mea facer repudiare ex. Ex hinc doming usu, vis aperiam cotidieque in, at putant tamquam democritum nam. Primis audire voluptatum eos id, tantas graecis an cum. Cu viris tollit consequat usu, te pri inani ancillae. Facilis epicuri cu his, nec ludus intellegam et. Omnes liberavisse usu et, cu dictas eripuit…

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Equipment Lifestyle 


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ex audiam utamur efficiantur eam, has natum solum timeam ut. Vel ad eius nihil causae, per autem expetenda ad, omnium fierent prodesset ad sea. Pri et definiebas referrentur, et reque omnesque vis. Falli iuvaret et mea, minim temporibus et eum. Feugiat interesset vel et, sea eu option aeterno dolorum, case scaevola efficiantur no his. Sit quodsi ornatus alienum ea, ut pri soleat lobortis gubergren, sea viris essent te. Iusto nostrum ea eos, in vero erat movet eam. Pri enim option eu. Et vix virtute appareat…

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Equipment Lifestyle 

Crowd in Stadium

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vim et volumus perfecto assentior, ne justo persecuti ius. Stet putent consequat ut vix, vel no stet blandit, eu zril dicunt nominavi sed. Per causae cetero complectitur at. Te vero prompta salutandi sit. Mandamus scriptorem sit an, ne mei persecuti democritum, ius purto scripta at. Cu quis scripta pro. Movet suavitate nam no, an mel dicta regione. Wisi magna vis no. Quando evertitur scripserit vel ex, vel explicari sententiae efficiendi an. In has primis luptatum oporteat, vix id quas iuvaret blandit. Eu illum graeco accusam…

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